Today, GameOn! learned that it was the May recipient of the Awesome Foundation's $1000 grant. The grant will be used to purchase equipment to increase hearing accessibility in all of GameOn!'s role playing games. Here's the application GameOn! filed.
GameOn! is so excited to receive its first grant. FNC, our parent 501(c)(3), as part of its administration of GameOn! and as its fiscal sponsor, will receive 10% of the award. Therefore, to ensure that the total of $1000 goes to the purchase of the equipment budgeted in the grant, GameOn! is kindly asking for $100 in donations so that the entire $1000 can be used. Thus far, GameOn! collaborator and disability activist, Nico Meyering, has donated $25 towards this small fundraising campaign. Thank you, Nico! If you would like to support GameOn!, here's a direct link to our donation page. Thank you in advance for all of your support of our efforts to make role playing games inclusive and thank you to the Awesome Foundation for funding our project.
A GameOn! teen volunteer has agreed to Dungeon Master an online campaign of D&D 5e. (Thanks, Amaya!) If you might be interested in joining the campaign or signing up a child as a parent/guardian, please complete the Google Form here or copy and paste the link into your browser:
The game is for teens only - so 10 years of age or older. The online game will utilize Discord for voice, text, and perhaps video. To help folks prepare for such games, GameOn! has prepared some guidance and best practices, which is available here. We hope to start the game in early June. Details as to what day and time have yet to be sorted out but we've included a few options in the Google Form. Thanks and GameOn! |
AuthorDavid Perlman, PhD, MS - GameOn! Founder and avid RPG fan! Archives
November 2024
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